
Propagated Parodia Plants and Seeds

This genus of mostly globular cacti are very common in propagation, and in habitat they range through Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. They are more difficult than most varieties to keep in a natural growth pattern, but they are good survivors. In propagation they tend to elongate, possibly from being watered to frequently. Many varieties are easy to find in greenhouses and make good house plants if they have plenty of sun. It is helpful to keep them on the dry side in the winter season with only very small amounts of water. These plants will survive cool conditions but will grow faster and bloom more if they are kept warm through the winter. They also tend to get skin damage easily from too much heat and sun in the summer, so these are plants that survive, but can suffer cosmetic damage in extreme conditions.

Their flowers are brilliantly colored cups and often multiple blooms will open at once on the tops of the stems making an impressive clump of flowers. Flower colors are often yellow to deep yellow, but some plants pinks, magentas, and the orange through deep reds. This group of cacti are often prized as having both interesting stem and spine attributes as well as impressive flowers, so they may be considered in general for growers the most popular group of cacti. Plant fashions are like other fashions and what's popular is always evolving, so it's always better to chose plants based on what you really love and the species which will do well in given conditions.

Plant size and shape varies small globular to fairly large columnar cacti, and Parodia may be thought of more as a kind of lose collection of cacti grouped into one handy generic. Being very individualistic plants with varied growing considerations; perhaps, it is better to know the growing habits of individual species to gain knowledge about the kind of care which, that individual species will need. The challenge for any grower who gathers many varieties of Parodia is learning the uniqueness of growing conditions for this loose collection of a generic.

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Parodia magnifica

Parodia werdermanniana

Cactus Photos:


Parodia magnifica plant


Parodia red flowers


Parodia deep yellow


Parodia flower cluster


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