Propagated Schlumbergera Seeds These cacti are commonly named, "Christmas Cactus" and sometimes named "Orchid Cactus", but the later name is also given to other cacti. Of all the commercially cultivated cacti this is probably the one kind which is most widely grown and sold as house plants. They are also extensively propagated into hybrids for different flower colors, and it is likely that more new and interesting versions of this plant will continue to happen. They need to be treated like most other broad leaf house plants even thought they have no leaves. Their needs are basically the same; ordinary house plant soil. regular waterings, house plant fertilizer and locate the flower pot in indirect sun light. In the fall plants can be relocated farther away from their light sources to help stimulate them to bloom. Like most house plants Christmas Cactus can be easily propagated from stem cuttings, but to grow them from seeds keep in mind that small seedlings need to be watered daily. The seeds are produced are hybrids of hybrids and a multitude of flower colors are possible, however plants from these seeds will not be the same plants as the hybrids shown in the photos on this site. Click on the thumbnail below to view seed purchasing information. Link to Purchase Seed Information Page
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All Content © 2004-2023 Windowsill Cactus. Photography: Stan Starbuck. Web Graphics and Design: Ann Stretton.com. Here is a Disclamer for this website.Disclamer |